20 oz. Stainless Steel Vacuum Water Bottle w/ Twist Lid
#F011DB Regular

  • Feature a wide-mouth, stainless steel, screw-top lid with loop attachment so lid will never get lost.
  • Keep Drinks Hot for 12 Hours and Cold for 24 Hours.
  • 18/8 SS liner with copper coating vacuum sealed; Powder coating. BPA Free.
  • Great for trade shows, sport, outdoor, picnics, etc.
  • Regular price including 1 color/ 1 location printing
Production Time: 7 Working Days
25 $13.64 each
50 $12.81 each
100 $12.40 each
250 $11.99 each
500 $11.66 each
1000 $10.75 each
$50.00 each
Feature a wide-mouth, stainless steel, screw-top lid with loop attachment so lid will never get lost. Inner grates with narrowed opening prevent ice, tea bags, or fruit from spilling out so that it is easy to drink chilled water infused with fresh fruit slices. Show off your brand with this popular 20 oz. Stainless Steel water bottle. The perfect addition to your next event. Great for trade shows, sport, outdoor, picnics, etc.

*Keep Drinks Hot for 12 Hours and Cold for 24 Hours

Material: 18/8 SS liner with copper coating vacuum sealed; Powder coating

Available Colors: White, Navy, Black, Gray, Seafoam

Normal Production Time
7 Working Days

Product Size
2.92"w x 9.65"h

Approx. 19 lbs per 25 pcs. Ctn. Size. 18x18x11

Additional Information
Regular Price is for Silkscreen item.

7-10 working days after all approvals
Price included one color/location imprint.
Set up charge: $50.00(g) per color/location ; Re set up charge: $30.00(g) per color/location.
2nd Color or 2nd Location: Add $0.70(g) ea. plus $50.00(g) set up.
One Side Max Imprint size: 3"w x 5"h

*Screen Wrap imprint
Set up charge: $60.00(g) per location/design.
Re Set up charge: $40.00(g) per location/design.
Add $0.70 (g) ea. run charge; Re set up charge: $40.00(g) per color/location.
wrap imprint area: 8.5"w x 5"h

Price includes Laser Engraved on one location.
8-10 working days after all approvals
Set up charge: $65.00(g) per location
Re Set up charge: $50.00(g) per location
2nd location: Add 2.70(g) ea. plus set up $65.00(g).
Imprint size: 2.5”w x 5”h

Laser Personalization Run Charge $6.00(g) per each.
Type Set Run Charge $5.00 (g) per line.

Full color
Price includes full-color process on one location.
10-12 working days after all approvals
Set up charge: $75.00(g) per location/design
Re Set up charge: $60.00(g) per location/design
2nd location Add $2.70(g) ea. plus set up charge.
One Side Max Imprint Size: 2.5"w x 5"h

*Full color Gap wrap imprint:
Add $4.00(g) ea. run charge plus set up charge.
wrap imprint area: 8.5"w x 5'h

*Full color Seamless wrap imprint:
Add $5.00(g) ea. run charge plus set up charge.
wrap imprint area: 9.25"w x 6.7'h

*Break Box Fee
$8.00(g) per item color/box, for quantities that are not full case pack (quantity of carton) units per carton.

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